Based on the gathering, transmission, saving for the current precursor observational data, we have developed the precursor data error management system on the Windows platform. 本文在现有前兆数据观测采集传输、存储的基础上,开发研制了前兆数据差错管理系统。
The transferring sction in the calculation of the observational data error of elastic-releasing coefficient and conductivty coefficient by Theis formula 利用泰斯公式计算弹性释水系数与导水系数时观测数据误差的传递作用
An artificial random disturbance is carried out for some seismological observation data in the allowance range of seismological observational error with random disturbance method. 采用随机干扰方法,在地震观测误差容许值范围内,对地震观测资料进行人为随机干扰。
Since they depend on the shortest wave length taken into account and the ratio of the maximum observational error to the corresponding wave amplitude, the results obtained are quite different for different scale systems. 这些公式和预报所考虑的最短波长,以及最大观测误差和波幅的比有关,对于不同尺度的天气系统,结果很不一样。
Analysis to the effect of seismological observational error on Seismological Parameters 地震测点误差对地震学参量的影响分析
The discrepancy between theoretical and observational frequencies has drastically decreased in the 1990s due to modified input physics and improved stellar oscillation theory. However, the discrepancy is still bigger than the observational error. 90年代以来理论与观测日震频率的差别已随输入物理参量及太阳振荡理论的改进而大为减小,可是现有的差别仍远大于观测误差。
An accurate analysis of observational precision and systematic error, range bias and time bias for each SLR station are also reported. 介绍了全球SLR资料快速分析处理的方法和定轨模型,并对各个SLR站的观测结果进行了评估,给出了各测站的距离偏差、时间偏差以及所能达到的测距精度。
In consideration of the observational error, the truncation error and the requirements of numerical weather prediction, three formulas for determining the distance between two neighboring stations d, the vertical increment Δ p and the observational time interval At in optimum sense, have been derived. 考虑观测误差、截断误差和数值天气预报的需要,本文给出了决定最优相邻测站之间距离d、最优垂直网格距Δp和最优观测时间间隔Δt的公式。
By introducing cell to cell mapping method of global analysis and using a six variable nonlinear model, the influence of different perturbation within observational error on prediction is studied first in this paper. 应用一个最大简化的6变量非线性模式,引入胞映射全局分析方法,研究初值误差范围内不同扰动对预报结果的影响。
Methods Field study was adopted in forty students in a certain hygienic school, whose age were 17 to 18. Observational indicators were as follows: visuognosis persistence, visual-motor reflex time, reading number, error ratio, intellective capacity index. 方法对某卫生学校40名17~18岁学生进行,现场研究,观察指标为明视持久度、视觉运动反应时、阅字数、错误率、脑力工作能力指数。
The second part shows GPS observational equation, the corresponding error sources, the characteristics of errors and the essential methods for error processing. 第二是有关GPS观测方程和相关误差产生的原因,分析了误差的特点和处理的基本方法。
In the modeling process, the traditional regression model only considers the observation error of the dependent variable, does not considers the observational error of independent variable. 在数学建模过程中,传统回归模型只考虑因变量的观测误差,忽略自变量的观测误差。
At this point, the use of traditional research methods of analysis and modeling will inevitably result in significant loss of observational information that may lead to model specification error, forecast results and expand the deviation between the actual situations. 此时,利用传统的研究方法进行分析建模,就不可避免地造成观测信息的大量损失,可能导致模型设定错误,扩大预测结果和实际状况间的偏差。